Design to change markets

Industrial design

For Usability

For Reliability

For Maintenance

For Market Need

About Us

"Design is not beautification. Design is not repackaging. Design is growth. Design is change. Design is the competitive differentiator in a global market."

Mustang Industrial Design focuses on new product design and improvements to help companies succeed by changing the way their products are used, perceived, trained with, and marketed. We do that by developing innovative products to patent and license in a variety of highly-competitive markets.

Our current focus is on training safety. Visit for more information.

Companies that strive for growth and leadership in tough markets need the technical advances necessary to break gridlocked market positions and increase market share. We concentrate on double-digit innovations that look beyond the current markets, current designs, current limitations, and current customer segments.

We also create advantages for companies with critical expertise in key markets by partnering with them for our technology development and licensing. Mustang advances what is possible in a market, creating opportunities for disruption.

Our People

Meet the Mustang design team. A relentless focus on our core design principles drives how we work and who we work with: Design for usability, design for reliability, design for maintenance, and design for market need.

photo of Brian Bascom
Brian – President

“They’ve got us surrounded... poor bastards.”

Brian is a mad scientist at heart, with a knack for uncovering connections that lead to new solutions. He directs the market analysis work behind every new license opportunity. Brian’s work in law, business, telecom, and the military color his approach to design and reliability.

His degrees are in Computer Science, Communications, and Law. He likes working with the latest tools and materials (and Legos).

photo of Mikael Svensson
Mikael – VP International Licensing

“Let's do business.”

Mikael’s career has focused on winning market share and driving revenue growth through innovative and successful business and operational leadership, in North America and globally.

He has a degree in chemical engineering and enjoys working on new challenges from identifying market opportunities to orchestrating global deals — maybe even more than golf!

photo of Joel Muskovich
Joel — Creative Director

“I've got this.”

When the pros come up with a great idea that can’t be built, they turn to Joel to build it. After twenty years of graphic design and national-level marketing campaign production, he flipped the lens to put his creativity to wider use, and to develop creativity in others. When threatened, he can wield a banjo to deadly effect.

His formal fine arts and photography education complement years of quality, recognized work, and Joel more recently added gunsmithing to his skills.

photo of Lisa Bascom
Lisa — Marketing

“Reach that target market!”

Lisa brings a broad swath of marketing and product management experience to Mustang. She enjoys working with tech products and getting to learn about and promote the next new thing, from strategy to hands-on implementation. She wonders why fun stuff like programming and soldering weren’t covered in her marketing classes.

Her degrees are in business management and product marketing, and much of her tech career has been spent riding the telecom rollercoaster.

photo of Michael Abraham
Michael — Mechanical Design Engineer

“We can make that better!”

Michael brings a background in innovative design and engineering to Mustang. He enjoys creating solutions for challenging tasks and being part of their fabrication, implementation, and success in the real-world. His design experience ranges from medical devices to industrial robotics to firearms.

He holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering and is working on his Professional Engineer (P.E.) certification (whenever he’s not messing with his 3D printer).

photo of Benjamin Hovatter
Benjamin — Software Engineer

“I like to make stuff.”

Benjamin adds a flexible range of software and hardware skills to Mustang with his background and study in coding and robotics. He has a passion for buckling down and getting things done.

He is completing his Bachelors of Science in Software Engineering at the University of Texas in Dallas.

Our Partners

"If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants."

Design is built, not on products, but on knowledge. We work with the leading people and leading companies in many divergent fields to develop true innovations in the market. Our partners enable us to discover the opportunities lurking in their industries and transform disruptive ideas into concrete solutions (and, yes, concrete technically is an aggregate, but we’re waxing poetic here).

What do we look for in partners?

Deep industry knowledge, strong connections to their leading lights and current thinking, and a willingness to join us outside the box for a little while. Those who can give straight answers to curved questions, and remember that a straight line isn’t always the shortest distance between two points. The ability to help the next new thing develop.

What do partners look for in us?

Nonlinear solutions to unsolvable “straightforward” problems. Access to a creative well that goes very deep. First shot at disruptive new technologies in their industries, and the opportunity to influence how their markets will be redefined. A sounding board for crazy ideas that they suspect may actually be feasible, even if they have no idea how it could be done.

What do we do together?

Our partners help us redefine markets, reimagine industries, and refine innovations. We help our partners leap forward competitively and retain markets against challengers. We are tied by the red ribbon of mutual benefit, and our partners are generally our first choices as licensees of our technologies in new markets.

Where are our partners?

Don’t expect a list of names, because they would rather not tip their hands any more than we would. However, our partners span industries including medical technology, avionics, logistics, optics, small arms, organic chemistry, semiconductors, radio communications, surgery, lasers, and many others. We’re always on the lookout for low-energy and zero-gravity manufacturing resources.

What are we working on now?

We have current projects in the fields of integrated optical sensors, durable medical equipment, small arms training systems, and a number of consumer electronics systems.

Careers at Mustang Industrial Design, Inc.

"If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life."

Want to be part of the team? Want to live at the intersection of “holy cow that’s cool!” and “what in the world was I thinking?” Then take a look at the opportunities we have - and don’t forget to bring your “A” game.

What positions? We only have one: designer. With a nod to the Mobile Infantry in Starship Troopers, “everybody works, everybody designs.” You’re a patent expert? Excellent! You’re a designer. You’re a graphic artist? Cool. You’re a designer. Biochemist with an interest in crop compatibility? Far out. Designer.

We’re looking for people who don’t fit neatly in a box, even a relatively large one. We’re looking for innovators, inventors, dreamers, designers, champions, and general dragon-slayers. Sound appealing? Click here and start something big.